Engaging Afterschool

STEM Clubs

Nurturing Young Innovators with Exciting Afterschool Programs

Join 0 + kids around the world

RoboThink Afterschool Clubs

RoboThink partners with multiple primary schools in the area to conduct our exciting afterschool clubs right on the school premises.

With RoboThink, learning doesn't stop at 3 pm!

  • Already at Your School: If your child's school is already hosting our clubs, you can join them by clicking the "Book Now" button.

  • Check Availability: Not sure if we're at your school? Check the list from the booking page to find out.

  • Recommend Us: If we’re not currently at your school, we can easily partner with them. It helps greatly if you recommend us to your school. Please use the button below to share some information, so we can confirm and become a part of your child's school community.

Robotics Afterschool Club

Do you think you can build the strongest and most agile robot? Can your robot win a head-to-head combat mission? Join RoboThink's Robotics Club and challenge yourself to create innovative robots using our unique RoboThink bricks and advanced engineering strategies.

  • Learn Engineering Principles: Understand the core concepts of engineering and how to build sturdy structures.

  • Hands-On Building: Use RoboThink’s proprietary bricks to construct multiple types of robots.

  • Exciting Competitions: Engage in thrilling activities like robot soccer, relay races, obstacle courses, and more.

  • Interactive Learning: Our club provides a hands-on environment where students can apply what they learn in real-time.

  • Fun and Engaging: Each session is designed to be fun, keeping students excited about learning and competing.

Coding Afterschool Club

Ever dreamt of creating your own video game? Join RoboThink's Coding Club and turn your dreams into reality! Our coding program is designed to teach students the basics to intermediate levels of Block programming, enabling them to design and develop their own video games in our own software.

  • Learn Block Programming: From basic commands to intermediate features, students will learnScratch, a popular visual programming language.

  • Create Video Games: Have the opportunity to design and create their very own video games, applying what they've learned in fun and interactive ways.

  • Enhance and Innovate: Each session introduces new games and features, allowing students to continuously enhance and innovate their existing game designs.



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