RoboThink Summer Camp Voucher Payment Instructions

  1. Please follow these steps to complete your booking:

    1. Select your Program & Venue (For Holiday Camps you get an additional option to confirm your sessions)

    2. Enter Parent Details

      Fill in the information required about the parent or guardian.

    3. Enter Children Details

      Provide information about the child or children attending the camp.

    4. Emergency Next of Kin Details

    5. Medical Details

    6. Provide Payment Confirmation

      To finalize your booking, share the following three pieces of information:

      1) Voucher reference number

      2) A screenshot showing proof of voucher payment

      3) Any additional information required for verification

  2. Once we receive your reference number and screenshot, we'll send you a confirmation email within 24 hours, completing the booking process. If you have any questions, our Booking Team is here to assist.


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